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The BULGARI TALENT DAY AT VICENZORO is ready to go today
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The BULGARI TALENT DAY AT VICENZORO is ready to go today

Monday, 25 September 2017

At VICENZAORO, Bulgari presents its own Employer Branding and Talent Scouting programme, a plan to promote employment among the younger generations and to find new artisan talents in the sector that it can employ in the Bulgari factory workshop in Valenza, the largest jewellery workshop in Europe that opened last spring.


exclusively at Vicenzaoro the “Bookrah” exhibition
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exclusively at Vicenzaoro the “Bookrah” exhibition

Friday, 22 September 2017

“Bookrah”, which means "tomorrow" in Arabic, is a collection of 22 items of jewellery in quartz and diamonds that symbolize the mutual efforts of the young to overcome cultural and religious differences, all in the name of artistic and social commitment.

GECI, in partnership with IIDGR at VICENZAORO, organizes a conference on new technologies for the diamond market
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GECI, in partnership with IIDGR at VICENZAORO, organizes a conference on new technologies for the diamond market

Sunday, 24 September 2017

GECI, an international analysis, research and gemmological education organization, and IIDGR, the International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research, which reports to the De Beers Group, are organizing a conference at VICENZAORO on “SYNTH…ETHIC. Education, transparency and new technologies for the diamond market” to be held on Monday, 25th September, from 2 to 4 pm (Hall 7.1 Room GIOTTO b).


Gold and jewellery trends with trendbook 2019+
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Gold and jewellery trends with trendbook 2019+

Friday, 22 September 2017

At VICENZAORO the global forecasting Observatory, TRENDVISION Jewellery + Forecasting, will be presenting the new TRENDBOOK 2019+, an indispensable tool describing the forecasts and trends destined to influence consumer evolution and purchasing decisions 18 months ahead of the market.


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