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Friday, 03 May 2024

L’affascinante legacy tra gemme preziose, famiglie reali e icone di Hollywood

L’affascinante legacy tra gemme preziose, famiglie reali e icone di Hollywood

Very often in vintage and vintage jewelry, it is their legendary and often mysterious provenance that determines substantial incremental value for collectors over mere intrinsic value. Jewelry with a story to tell, which may include journeys across continents, court intrigue, even intertwining with the fate of royalty, nobility and Hollywood celebrities.

The fashion for star-shaped jewelry has a fascinating history, inspired in part by Empress Elizabeth of Austria, also known as "Sissi." In a portrait by German court painter Franz Xaver Winterhalter, the empress was immortalized wearing a star-shaped diamond composition. Her style and elegance influenced designers and jewelry lovers, leading to the creation of iconic pieces such as the parure of diamond brooches offered at Auction in Geneva by Sotheby's in November 2023, sparking great interest among collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

Having become iconic, Lady Diana's famous sapphire daisy engagement ring, later a symbolic gift of eternal love given by her eldest son to Princess Catherine Middelton, testifies to the tradition that binds several generations of royal families through valuables as well. At the same time, this has created an impact in the jewelry and stone market; in fact, there has been a significant increase in demand for sapphire rings surrounded by diamonds globally.

In addition to royalty, gemstones have always fascinated Hollywood celebrities as well. Film and entertainment icons often sport extraordinary jewelry on the red carpet, adding a touch of glamour and prestige to their public appearances.

The Peregrine pearl, one of the most celebrated pieces of jewelry with a history documented over the centuries. Apparently, the name of this pearl, meaning "vagabond," was given in Napoleonic times as it was worn by several royal families in Europe. In 1969, Hollywood star Richard Burton purchased it for $37,000 and made it the very special Valentine's Day gift for his fiancée Elizabeth Taylor.

The famous Tiffany 128.54 ct fancy yellow diamond worn by Audrey Hepburn in 1961 for the premiere of Breakfast at Tiffany's and then by Lady Gaga in 2019 for Oscar night has become an integral part of pop culture and Hollywood iconography.

Just as the 115 ct emerald earrings worn by Angelina Jolie at the Oscars ceremony in 2009 caught the world's attention, turning her into an icon of style and glamour.

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