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Monday, 13 January 2020

The electric ovens and industrial machinery of G.B. Bertoncello

The electric ovens and industrial machinery of G.B. Bertoncello

Founded in 1958 by Giuseppe Bertoncello in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), the company designs and produces electric furnaces and industrial machinery for the gold, silver and jewellery sector in general, as well as for the watch-making, eyewear and footwear industries.
Developed after accurately analysing the needs of micro-casting users, the OMEGA machine, with its particular features, represents the micro-casting concept. Equipped with induction heating with pressurized vacuum system, it can transform a simple alloy into a precious item as well as produce wire or sheet.

At T.GOLD 2020 the company will be presenting its new OMEGA 10 model which has the same features as the previous models but a different crucible capacity.

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